Generate Private Key Ethereum

  1. Ethereum Private Key Generator
  2. Leaked Ethereum Private Keys
  3. Generate Private Key Ethereum Miner
  1. Generating the private key and public key is the same for both Bitcoin and Ethereum, the both use secp256k1 elliptic curve cryptography. Deriving an account address from the public differs slightly. Deriving an account address from the public differs slightly.
  2. Generate online private and public key for ssh, putty, github, bitbucket Save both of keys on your computer (text file, dropbox, evernote etc)!!! The generated keys are RANDOM and CAN'T be restored. You can create keys without creating an account.
  3. Private keys to your MetaMask accounts are generated from your seed phrase. Is MetaMask a wallet? Yes, MetaMask does everything that an Ethereum wallet does, like managing crypto currencies, ERC-20 tokens, and ERC-721 collectibles, but it also allows you to interact with applications that make many more things possible, as easy as using a web site.

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Hash Function

Private Key:-Random 256 Bit, 64 Hex character number.-Only known to the user who created it either through a library, or cryptographic hash functions.-It is used to sign Ethereum transactions on the Blockchain.-It shouldn’t be publicly shared because whoever owns the Private keys. # First save the private hexadecimal key to a file echo eff415edb6331f4f67bdb7f1ecc639da9bcc0550b100bb275c7b5b21ce3a7804 key # Then use account import feature of geth (here importing in the 'testnet' directory)./go-ethereum/build/bin/geth -datadir /.ethereum/testnet account import key.

  • Think of it like a fingerprint of any given input data.
  • Input can be any size, output is always the same size (64 hex chars).
  • Deterministic, you will always get the same hash for a specific input.
  • One directional, given a hash it is impossible to guess the seed.

Key Pair

  • Consists of a public key derived from a private key.
  • Your address where you send value is derived from your public key.
  • Can be used to sign a message and anyone can recover the signer's address.
  • Anyone can generate an Ethereum account by just generating a random private key.

Look Ahead: Transactions

  • Users can sign messages that go on-chain to send and receive value.
  • No decimals! Amounts are integers, in Wei. 1 ETH is 10^18 Wei.
  • You can generate accounts by just randomly generating private keys.

Side Quest: Encryption

  • Asymmetric encryption with Ethereum key pairs.
  • A small amount of data can be encrypted with a public key.
  • The private key is used to decrypt the data.
  • Not the best way to encrypt data!

Distributed Ledger

  • Once we have key pairs and we can sign messages, our messages can be objects with to, from, value, etc.
  • A ledger keeps track of everyone's balance and new transactions are added to it.
  • Everyone keeps a copy of the same ledger.
  • Need a 'nonce' to prevent replay attacks.
  • Problems with network topology and consensus...

Byzantine Generals

  • Coordination problem arises without a centralized authority.
  • Network (communication) is public and untrusted.
  • Generals prove their ability to wage war to other generals in messages.
  • Proof of work!


  • Proof of work is brute forcing a one-way hash function.
  • Miners with special hardware work to secure blocks of transactions.
  • Each block references the previous block to make a chain.
  • Longest chain wins and your weird uncle shows up to help with security.


  • Send value by signing an object with the details like 'to', 'value', 'data'.
  • 'From' address is cryptographically recovered from the signature.
  • No decimals! Amounts are integers, in Wei. 1 ETH is 10^18 Wei.
  • Miners are incentivized with a fee to package transactions into blocks.
  • This fee is called the gas price and you 'bid' to get mined.

Smart Contracts

  • Send 'machine code' as data in a transaction without a 'to' address.
  • Deployed code has an address just like an 'externally owned account' with a private key.
  • Reading data is cheap and can come from any node on the network.
  • Storage and execution are relatively expensive. All nodes have to run and store everything.
  • Call a function on a contract by sending it a transaction with the function args in the data.

Having a digital asset wallet is the first step for users interested in blockchain space. A wallet is basically a pair of Public Key and Private key which is needed together to access any account. Those having reasonable understanding of Public Key and Private Key usually like to play around.

Many times users have Private Key and they want to generate Ethereum compatible password protected wallet from that key. Today, I am sharing a small utility program for Ethereum Blockchain in NodeJS that would help user to generate Ethereum compatible password protected wallet starting just with Private Key.

I will use a Javascript library ethereumjs-wallet to achieve this. This library provide a function to convert Private key to wallet protected by password.

How to generate Ethereum Wallet from Private Key


I have put together a small utility using above library . All you have to do is to clone this repo and run the utility.

Assumption: nodeJS is already installed on the system.

  • git clone
  • go to directory WalletFromPK
  • npm install
  • And follow the steps as shown below

Pseudo code for better understanding

Make an instance of wallet form the private key

And then you can password protect and generate the wallet..

If you find this article helpful, please share. You may reach me at with your comments, questions or suggestions of new topics that you would want to be covered.

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Ethereum Private Key Generator


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Leaked Ethereum Private Keys

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Generate Private Key Ethereum Miner
